Webel's "super-relational" Note pages!

A Note is a short categorised statement, claim, policy, tip, or issue tracker Throughout this site, content is often related to supporting Notes, and each Note page links back to the content pages that reference it! The Note and Snippet concepts are very closely related and they support each other.
Look for "super-relational" Note page links at the bottom of most content pages!
Note kind Note Spec tag UML keywords SysML keywords Keywords
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION, WORKAROUND Mathematica: GOTCHA: If you pull an EntityStore from a CloudObject with PersistentSymbol it caches and will not update if invoked again even if the CloudObject for the EntityStore has changed. Use instead CloudGet. Mathematica, Wolfram
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION Mathematica: GOTCHA/LIMITATION: Changing the value of an Entity in an expression-based EntityStore loaded from a CloudObject does not update the CloudObject. You have to push the EntityStore back to the CloudObject. It is not like a "live" connection. Mathematica, Wolfram
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION Mathematica: GOTCHA/LIMITATION: RelationalDatabase and DatabaseReference are NOT supported in the Wolfram Cloud for "public" accounts, not even for Premium Plan (Commercial)! It is only optionally offered on the Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud (EPC). Mathematica, Wolfram
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION Mathematica: GOTCHA: Setting the value of a property of an Entity using EntityValue[e,"property"] where 'e' is an Entity does NOT work with a relational database backed EntityStore, which undermines half the point of a relational database bridge! Mathematica, Wolfram
TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: Why ParticipantProperty is needed for an AssociationBlock. (And why you should NOT use the optional Cameo Systems Modeler variant with owned ends.) SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6 AssociationClass, Association::ownedEnd, Association::memberEnd AssociationBlock, ParticipantProperty SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.6
SysMLv1.6: HOWTO: Use an AssociationBlock with a Connector and ConnectorProperty «connector» in Cameo Systems Modeler SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6 AssociationClass AssociationBlock, ParticipantProperty, [DEPRECATED] ConnectorProperty, [DEPRECATED] ConnectorProperty::connector SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.6
TOOL SysMLv1: Allocations: Cameo Systems Modeler does not support the (in the opinion of Webel unnecessary) change from 'allocatedTo' and 'allocatedFrom' to 'allocatedToElements' and 'allocatedElements'. SysML-1.7 Allocate, Allocate::/getAllocatedFrom(in ref), Allocate::/getAllocatedTo(in ref) SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
SysMLv1/UML: Whilst the term 'InterruptibleRegion' is referenced in UML-2.5.1 and fUML-1.4, there is no metaclass InterruptibleRegion. The corresponding Metaclass is InterruptibleActivityRegion. "InterruptibleRegion", InterruptibleActivityRegion, StructuredActivityNode SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, UML, Unified Modeling Language
TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: TIP: SysMLv1: Cameo: JoinNode and MergeNode distinguishing notations option SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 MergeNode, ForkNode, JoinNode, DecisionNode SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
ISSUE, TOOL, WARNING UML/SysMLv1: ISSUE: Cameo Simulation Toolkit (v2024x): Simulation does not test even the simplest broken OCL2.0 Constraint. The unsatisfactory "WORKAROUND" is to use another language for the Constraint (they nearly all work). SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Constraint Unified Modeling Language, UML, SysML, SysMLv1, CATIA Magic, Object Constraint Language, OCL
MODELLING, TIP SysMLv1: Webel strongly recommends a looser, more "logical" modelling strategy over modelling practices with strong coupling to "physical" ownership. Many of the Webel Best Practices support this approach. SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Element::owner, containment, containment operator SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, Webel Best Practice
TIP SysMLv1: TIP: If a symbol for an element that appears on a Block Definition Diagram or a Package Diagram is not directly within the namespace of the context of that Diagram indicate the ownership using display options or one of the containment devices SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Namespace, diagram frame, frame, containment, containment operator, Package, Model SysML Package Diagram, SysML Block Definition Diagram, Block SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Webel Best Practice
ASSERTION, WARNING SysMLv1.7: A port MAY be typed by a ValueType (and validates in Cameo Systems Modeler) but this is NOT recommended best practice. Prefer a Block or InterfaceBlock with a directed FlowProperty typed by a ValueType. SysML-1.7 Port flow port, FlowProperty, FlowProperty::direction, ValueType, Block, InterfaceBlock SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
GOTCHA, TIP SysMLv1: A 'part property' in SysMLv1 does not formally include 'port' (which is considered a special kind of property), even though the Port metaclass in UML2 extends Property and a 'port' may have 'composite' aggregation and be typed by a Block. SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Property, Port, part object, AggregationKind::composite part property, MD:PartProperty SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering
GOTCHA, TIP, WARNING SysMLv1: GOTCHA: The term "structure" is massively overloaded and can be used for many different things in different contexts by different people (including amongst SysMLv1 experts)
TIP SysMLv1: Only the 'text' of the client Requirement of a Copy relationship need be the same as the 'text' of the supplier Requirement. The 'id' of the client Requirement SHOULD be different (unique). SysML-1.7 AbstractRequirement::id, Requirement, Copy
ISSUE SysML1.7: ISSUE: Claim that 'Datastore already has an overwrite semantics' is inconsistent w.r.t. UML2.5.1 SysML-1.7 DataStoreNode SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1.7 vs Cameo Systems Modeler (CATIA Magic) implementation: PARTIAL list of differences. SysML-1.7 SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
GOTCHA, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1: Rate in Cameo Systems Modeler (CATIA Magic) additionally extends ObjectNode (not just ActivityEdge and ParameterSet) SysML-1.7 ActivityEdge, ParameterSet, ObjectNode Rate, Continuous, «rate», «continuous», Discrete, «discrete» SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
EXPLANATION UML2/SysMLv1: A control Pin (a Pin with isControl = True) for a CallBehaviorAction does not have a corresponding Parameter SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Parameter, Pin, Pin::isControl, ObjectNode::isControlType ControlOperator, ControlValueKind
WARNING SysMLv1: The SysMLv1.6 ConnectorProperty was DEPRECATED in SysMLv1.7. see SysMLv1.7 formal/24-01-07: Annex C: Deprecated Elements and Migration: C.1.3 ConnectorProperty. Use AdjunctProperty with a connector as principal instead. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
GOTCHA, ISSUE, MODELLING, NAMING, WARNING SysMLv1: CAUTION: The notation and recommended use for PropertySpecificType changed significantly between SysMLv1.2 and SysMLv1.7. And the spec itself does not seem to use the new notation (which is also not supported by Cameo Systems Modeler v2024x) SysML-1.2, SysML-1.3, SysML-1.4, SysML-1.5, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 PropertySpecificType SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
TIP, WARNING SysMLv1: Some invalid multiplicity examples with navigable and non-navigable Association ends. In Cameo Systems Modeler with validation. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Association, Association::memberEnd, Association::ownedEnd, Property, Element::owner SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL TIP: SysMLv1: Cameo Systems Modeler: HOWTO show Probability on ActivityEdges. (And a String, not a ValueSpecification, is used for the 'probability' of Probability). SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 ActivityEdge, tagged value, Stereotype, ValueSpecification Probability, Probability::probability SysML, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: Cameo Systems Modeler: HOWTO Create a PrivatePackageImport with keyword «access». Use an «import» with visibility kind set to 'private' (the displayed keyword with change to «access») SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 PackageImport, PackageImport::visibility PrivatePackageImport SysML, SysMLv1, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, Systems Modeling Language
TIP, TOOL TIP: SysMLv1: Cameo Systems Model permits use and mixing of many more kinds of model elements than are "officially" indicated in the SysMLv1 specification(s) and supports some symbols and notations beyond the specification. fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7
GOTCHA, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: In SysMLv1 it is "officially" recommended that an analysis context Block has a reference (only) to the subject of the analysis (but then you need to assign an instance as default value to make it run IN THE TOOL) fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Property::defaultValue, InstanceSpecification constraint property, constraint parameter, Block, SysML Parametric Diagram SysML, SysMLv1, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], CATIA Magic, simulation
ISSUE, LIMITATION ISSUE: Mathematica (v14.1): Known Apple BUG: macOS Ventura: M1 Max/Silicon: Export to ProRes is buggy! WORKAROUND: To use transparency, export to PNG then use Mac Compressor or Handbrake to convert to ProRes4444 Wolfram, Mathematica, 3D, 3D modelling, PNG, QuickTime, ProRes4444, ProRes, macOS, M1 Max, M1 Silicon
TIP TIP: Mathematica: To Export a ListAnimation without the controls (and without possible frame drops) Export the List of frames directly (not the output of ListAnimation) Wolfram, Mathematica, 3D, 3D modelling
TIP TIP: Mathematica: HOWTO Get the (approximate) bounding box of any Graphics3D object for use in PlotRange. Use Charting`get3DPlotRange Wolfram, Mathematica, 3D, 3D modelling
GOTCHA, TIP, TOOL TIP: SysMLv1: Cameo: Can't see the Item Flow Manager icons in the smart manipulators for an ObjectFlow in an Activity Diagram with swimlanes? Try setting Item Flow Creation Mode to 'Between Part Types' instead of 'Direct' under your Project settings! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 InformationFlow::conveyed, InformationFlow, Association, Connector, InformationFlow::realizingConnector, InformationFlow::realization, ObjectFlow ItemFlow, Cameo::ItemFlowManager, Cameo::SmartManipulator SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic
FastAPI RESTful web services for Python. Good! FastAPI, python, REST, RESTful, web service
TIP JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA (or the dedicated PyCharm version for just Python), and PHP Storm. I love you.
ASSERTION Dr Darren's thoughts on some problems with "Python culture" (and it isn't the fault of the language, per se, nor of the best Python language developers or commercial Python library developers) python, Mathematica, Wolfram, Wolfram Language
TIP TIP: Postman: The term 'variable' is used for at least three different things in Postman; (1) query or body parameters exposed as {{var}} driveable variables; (2) Environment variables assigned to such a parameter; (3) Flow specific variables. Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
GOTCHA, TIP WISHLIST: Postman: Ability to hide specific variable rows on a Request block. CASE: Exposed variables driven by Environment variables (which VISUALLY appear empty and take the assigned Environment value unless explicitly connected and overridden) Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
GOTCHA, TIP TIP (GOTCHA): Postman (v11.27.4): The value of a {{var}} set to an Environment variable (specifically) under Request settings is exposed as a Port on a Flow Request but does not VISUALLY APPEAR to take the Environment variable value (but in fact does) Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
ISSUE, WORKAROUND ISSUE: Postman (v11.27.4): The (Mac) Desktop version does not always offer the Output block in a Flow patch Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
TIP TIP: Postman: Loading a new Open API JSON file as Definition will not override most customised query or body parameter settings on an API Request Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
TIP TIP: Postman: HOWTO Copy an API Request to a decoupled Collection Request and customise its parameters (or expose specific parameters to drive as Ports on Flows) Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
ISSUE ISSUE: Postman (v11.27.4): You can access the underlying Request settings of a Request block in a Flow easily using the little angled arrow at the top of the Request block title, but getting back to the client Flow is cumbersome. Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
ISSUE, WORKAROUND ISSUE: Postman (v11.27.4): Sometimes "stalls" with an incomplete flashing view of the loaded API after uploading a new OpenAPI v3.1 JSON definition file. WORKAROUND: Restart Postman Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
ISSUE, WORKAROUND ISSUE: Postman (v11.27.4): An OpenAPI v3.1 JSON definition file upload does not always "catch". WORKAROUND: Toggle to OpenAPI v3.0 mode then back to OpenAPI v3.1 Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
TIP TIP: Postman: To make a query or body parameter appear as a driveable Port on a Flow Request block you have to expose it as a {{var}} variable under the underlying Request settings Postman, REST, RESTful, end point
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A 'type$' indicator for an '$opt$' or '$arg$' is for documentation only. It may use a "pattern helper", a human-friendly String, or a SysML-similar short-hand type representation. It need not correspond to a valid Pattern. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
Dr Darren says: "If you don't know something just admit it and ask for help. That's what the best of intelligent people do (and how they get smarter). They don't try to fake it for fear of asking. To grow, you have to admit what you don't know."
GOTCHA, TIP, WARNING Mathematica: GOTCHA: If a function is used to generate a control specification (or a grouping of control specifications in a layout) under some circumstances an 'Evaluate@' must be applied to the function for the control specification to be accepted. Wolfram, Mathematica, Wolfram Language
CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING, POLICY Webel: SysML4Mathematica: A custom stereotype «M:Paclet» applied to a SysML Package denotes a Wolfram Package Paclet. An «M:Package» is a specialisation of SysMLv1 Block and denotes a Wolfram Language Package. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Package Block Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language, Mathematica::Association, Mathematica::List
CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING, POLICY Webel: SysML4Mathematica: A SysML/UML Usage (keyword «uses») is used to indicate a Wolfram Package Needs import, where an «M:Package» is a specialisation of Block (not a SysML/UML Package) and denotes a Wolfram Language Package. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Stereotype, custom Stereotype, «keyword», Usage Block Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language
CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING Webel: SysML4Mathematica: Activity Diagrams used purely for analysis and as development aids are not required to show every ControlFlow, may omit InitialNode and ActivityFinalNode, and are not required to fully validate in SysML tools or execute. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysMLv2, UML-2.5.1 Activity, InitialNode, ActivityFinalNode SysML Activity Diagram Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$Q$' in a function variant name indicates that it is a variant where every argument is strictly either a Quantity or dimensionless Real. Compare with '$SI$' functions. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, SI units, International Systems of Units
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: An '$E$' or '$EQ$' in a function name indicates that it is symbolic (takes Blank expression arguments), but the absence of '$E$' or '$EQ$' does not necessarily imply that it does not take Blank arguments. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding
CAPABILITY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: 'Q: Do I have to use these EX$Val scalar "atom" thingies and the EX$Row, EX$RowList, and EX$RowMap? Can't I just use Wolfram Language Lists and Associations?' A: Of course you can also use the basic Wolfram Language! Real, Integer, String, Boolean, QuantityKind, adt$isContract Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
CAPABILITY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: An EX$Val has concise methods for testing the type of its wrapped '$$' value: isR, isI, isB, isQ, isS. These may be used in ADT "constructor" type tests. Real, Integer, String, Boolean, QuantityKind, adt$isContract Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
CAPABILITY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: The validity of the type of a wrapped '$$' value of an EX$Val may be checked in ADT "constructors" which have type checking utility support. This strategy has been chosen over sub-types of EX$Val. Real, Integer, String, Boolean, QuantityKind, adt$isContract Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
CAPABILITY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: There does not seem to be a way to register ::usage specific to a Webel ADT-Method (TagSetDelayed UpValue). The Webel libraries offer method documentation support via the HelpO` class/method registry. Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
POLICY Webel: Mathematica: The Method syntax for the user contributed MTools does not seem to support Method-specific ::usage. The Webel libraries offer method documentation support (including arguments and options) via the HelpO` class/method registry. Mathematica, Wolfram Language, coding
POLICY Webel: Mathematica: The Method syntax for the user contributed MTools does not seem to support Wolfram Language Options[]. The Webel MTools extensions offer options support via a Webel Options Association in combination with the HelpO` method registry. Mathematica, Wolfram Language, coding
CAPABILITY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: Webel ADT-Methods support Wolfram Language Options[] as TagSetDelayed UpValues (but there are some pros and cons). Webel ADT-Methods work with the Webel HelpO` class/method registry, including rich help on options. Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
CONVENTION, POLICY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: «adt:ref» applied to a property indicates that it is resolved by ID through the ADT store using adt$fetch[id]. Use adt$store[adt] for very large ADTs and for cleaner ADT views and easier Notebook development. Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING Webel: SysML4Mathematica: An OptionsPattern[] may be represented by an «M:OptionsPattern» SysMLv1 Block with «M:Opt» properties. An «M:Opt» property represents an Options[] Rule IMPLICITLY (an «M:Opt» does not use the Rule block modelling recipe). SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Property Block, block property, value property Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language, Mathematica::Association, Mathematica::List
POLICY Mathematica: Webel OpenXML: The XL$Cell value accessor XL$Cell⊙valReal has no units-awareness; prefer the US$Cell value accessor US$Cell⊙val, which can return a Quantity. Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, OpenXML
CONVENTION, POLICY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: POLICY: Where an ADT-Method uses UUID-driven Once[] caching the trigger argument is a String '$uuid' which MUST have a default None and MUST be the first argument that has a default. Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional
POLICY Webel IT Australia prefers to use examples from real client projects but usually heavily obfuscates, masks, or randomises client-specific data. Educational examples do not expose client data without permission. Webel IT Australia, confidentiality
Webel: SysML4Mathematica (v2): The long term goal is generation of SysMLv2 models using the SysMLv2 modelling code (textual representation) and generation of SysMLv2 Diagrams directly in Mathematica, corresponding with the trend to generative diagramming. SysMLv2 Webel IT Australia, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Webel::SysML4Mathematica [v2], Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv2, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Wolfram Language, Mathematica
CONVENTION, NAMING Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: The SysMLv1 models are supported by custom stereotypes with icons. Some of these indicate OO-similar use of ADT-Methods and departures from formal Abstract Data Type (ADT) definitions. custom Stereotype, Stereotype, Stereotype:icon Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT, object-oriented, OO, OOP, functional, functional programming, stateless functional, Webel:ADT:Method, Webel:ADT
POLICY Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: The ADT⊙get method may be used to access the '$$' wrapped primary. This is intended for development and testing purposes only (not for regular use by clients) since it BREAKS ENCAPSULATION! Mathematica, ADTs, Wolfram, Wolfram Language, Abstract Data Types, WebelADT
CONVENTION, NAMING Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: MTools classes: A 'z' prefix indicates a "private" method; A 'my' prefix indicates a "protected" method (typically a protected hook). There is no actual visibility enforcement other than by name convention. Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, Webel IT Australia
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: SysML4Mathematica: An '@*~' prefix in a @pseudo function (OpaqueBehavior or Activity) represents a cast from any expression to a Type. Example: '@*~OpenerView' casts from any expression to an OpenerView. '@Type~' casts from a specific Type. OpaqueBehavior, Activity Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
POLICY Webel: Mathematica: The Webel MAll universal base class does not itself use Webel method options (but does offer some support for method options for extending classes) Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: An '$SI$' in a function variant name indicates that all arguments are SI Real convention (no Quantity arguments with units). An '$SI$' function can also be used to generate '$C$' compiled function variants. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, SI units, International Systems of Units
CONVENTION, NAMING Mathematica: CONVENTION: A prefix 'eq$' indicates a symbolic equation (typically using 'sym$' human-friendly markup "symbols") SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language, Webel::Psy
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$C$' in a function name indicates that it is a compiled variant. Typically it is compiled from an '$E$' symbolic function or an '$SI$' Real convention function. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: An '$E$' in a function name indicates that it is symbolic (takes Blank expression arguments). An '$E$' function can also be used with Quantity inputs and can be used to generate '$C$' compiled function variants. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$EQ$' in a function name indicates that it is a symbolic equation (with LHS == RHS). An '$EQ$ function can be used in combination with 'sym$' markup to create human-friendly formatted equations. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: Entity "field definers" are prefixed with '$e$[pac]' (where '[pac]' is a nickname for a package or logical grouping) and carry String field names. EntityStore functions are prefixed with 'e$[pac]'. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, POLICY, TIP Webel: Mathematica: Packages that import the Webel HelpF` package (but not MTools and the Webel HelpM` package) should use the 'usageF' function for ::usage String generation (rather than the 'docF' and 'docV' functions) and an AOR Map. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$sig$f$' prefix indicates a String signature helper for a function (or for a "method" of an MTools class or a Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) pseudo class). Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding
CONVENTION, NAMING, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$doc$' prefix indicates a formatted documentation String helper. A '$doc$arg$' is for an argument, a '$doc$opt$' is for an option. A '$doc$ String may be used to create ::usage documentation via docF. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding
CONVENTION, NAMING, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A ‘$pac$’ String helper variable is used to capture the fully qualified String name of every package. Useful for quick '$pac' argument provision for search functions and for DEVEL package load echoes. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A 'z$' prefix may be used to indicate a Private` function or expression within a package or a "private" method of an MTools class or Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) stateless pseudo class. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: The Stereotype keyword «functional» indicates a "pseudo functional" representation of functional in SysML. There are limits to representation of functional programming in SysML, but it can be informative and is worth doing. custom Stereotype, «keyword», Activity, ValueSpecificationAction, Pin, InputPin SysML Activity Diagram Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A '$t$' prefix indicates a String help holder with a "pseudo type" indicator (for human friendly documentation only). Used by the Doc`, HelpF`, and HelpO` packages. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: A function's description (but not its signature, arguments, or options) may be captured as an '$info$f$' Stringhelp holder for use by the Doc` package for ::usage generation and the HelpF`& HelpO` help registry packages. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding
NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: A help Rule 'rule$opt$' for an '$opt$' (option) accepts keys: '$k$help' (required), '$k$def' (required), and optional '$k$warn', '$k$tip', '$k$lab' (a label), '$k$type' (indicator only), '$k$mult' (SysML multiplicity), and '$k$pat'. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: A help Rule 'rule$arg' for an '$arg$' (argument) accepts keys: '$k$help' (required), '$k$def' (required if $k$req = True not given), '$k$req' (True if $k$def not given), '$k$warn', '$k$tip', '$k$lab', '$k$type', '$k$mult' and '$k$pat' Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: An '$opt$' (option) or '$arg$ (argument) help holder may be have an associated (typically short) '$lab$opt$' or '$lab$arg$' label help holder for use in GUIs and views. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: Where keys of Associations are Strings they are encapsulated as variables prefixed with '$k$' (promotes DRY and has many advantages, such as IDE prompting). Direct use of "Strings" as keys is WET and strongly discouraged! Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option, DRY, WET
CONVENTION, NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: "pattern helpers" (which are not themselves Patterns) use the prefix '$pat$. Encapsulated Patterns use a 'pat$' prefix, and may use a '$pat$' pattern helper (such as an Alternatives). Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
NAMING, PATTERN, POLICY Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: Argument help holders use a String variable with the prefix '$arg$', a related '$info$arg$' String, a 'def$arg$' default value expression and/or 'req$arg$', and optional '$warn$arg$', '$tip$arg$, '$lab$arg$', 'type$arg$'.. Webel Best Practice, Webel::SysML4Mathematica, Mathematica, Wolfram Language, naming, coding, Mathematica::option
TIP, TOOL Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO test an EnumerationLiteral value in a (Groovy) script in an OpaqueAction/Behavior. Use kind.name == "value" fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Enumeration, EnumerationLiteral, OpaqueExpression, OpaqueAction, OpaqueBehavior SysML Enumeration SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML, Groovy
MODELLING, TIP Webel: SysML/MBSE: Suggest don't fuss about ownership (containment) too much early on. Focus on "logical" modelling, values, flows, relationships between elements. Suggest perform regular separate modelling "housekeeping" sweeps to deal with ownership. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Model, Package, Element::owner SysML Package Diagram SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, Webel Best Practice
MODELLING, OPTION SysMLv1: Webel often uses Model packages for most modelling and reserves Package for code-like elements, OpaqueBehavior sub-libraries, instances, and elements reverse-engineered from code. But there are no hard and fast rules about Package vs Model. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Model, Package SysML Package Diagram SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, Webel Best Practice
OPTION, TIP Webel: SysML: If you are working within a self-contained model you may freely include diagrams icons for navigation and model elements from other Packages in a Package Diagram or "focus" BDD but beware of breaking Shared Package and library dependencies! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysMLv2, UML-2.5.1 Package, ModelLibrary, Profile, shared package SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
GOTCHA, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: GOTCHA: If you DRAG a Signal onto a Block symbol it will create a Reception. One way to create a Property typed by a Signal is to use a composite Association. Or just create an untyped Property then type it by the Signal. SysML-1.7, SysMLv2 Signal, Reception, receptions compartment, attributes compartment, attribute ValueType, Block SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
COMPLICATION, GOTCHA, LIMITATION, MODELLING SysMLv1: CAUTION: Only a Signal can be used for a SendSignalAction or MessageEvent trigger of an AcceptEventAction, not a Block or ValueType, even if they are valid types for a SysML FlowProperty! But you can "wrap" a Block or ValueType in a Signal. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 SendSignalAction, AcceptEventAction, SignalEvent::signal, SendSignalAction::signal, Trigger::event, Trigger, MessageEvent FlowProperty, Block, ValueType SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
GOTCHA, ISSUE, MODELLING, TOOL ISSUE: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: v2024x: Although does not respect inheritance of attributes of Signals on SendSignalAction or un-marshalling AcceptEventAction DOES require them on 'effect' Behaviors. fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Signal, SendSignalAction, AcceptEventAction, AcceptEventAction::isUnmarshall, Transition, Transition::effect SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: Do not use Associations with Signal attributes, they will become null when fed as argument values for Parameters of 'effect' Behaviors of Transitions fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Association, Signal, attribute, Classifier::attribute, Transition, Transition::effect, Behavior, Parameter SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
TIP, TOOL, WORKAROUND SysMLv1/UML2: Although fUML does not support InterruptibleActivityRegion, Cameo Simulation Toolkit does support InterruptibleActivityRegion fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 "InterruptibleRegion", InterruptibleActivityRegion, StructuredActivityNode, AcceptEventAction, TimeEvent SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
COMPLICATION, GOTCHA, ISSUE, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1.7/fUMLv1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit v2024x: Using an extending Enumeration literal as a parameter argument value runs but a WARN is issued. fUML-1.4, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Enumeration, EnumerationLiteral, Generalization, CallBehaviorAction, CallOperationAction, Parameter, OpaqueBehavior, Activity, CallBehaviorAction::behavior ValueType, SysML Enumeration SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML