SysMLv1: Some invalid multiplicity examples with navigable and non-navigable Association ends. In Cameo Systems Modeler with validation.

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To make things a bit clearer, UML-style Classifier owner dot notation has been enabled under the Project Options for Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®). This optional dot notation from UML was dropped in "official" SysMLv1, but can still be activated in Cameo and can be a useful learning aid. It's best to always switch dot notation it off again after you've explored it, since it leads to diagram clutter.

The 1st case (top A-B) should be obvious. An instance of B can't be composed by two separate instances of A at once.

The 2nd case (middle A- C) is a bit trickier. It validates but you can in fact break it. You could use additional Object Constraint Language (OCL) rules in your model to catch the pathological instance arrangement.

The 3rd case (lower left A-D) produces a validation warning. The logic is that in this case if a D can't "know" about its owning A, so there's no point in having a named end 'a:A' when then Association is not navigable from D to A. Note that the tool can navigate it anyway for queries, even if it's non-navigable and the A end is not named.

Finally, the 4th case (lower right A-E) shows a valid case with the default SysMLv1 multiplicities for the diamond end explicitly provided:

Some relevant quotes from the UML2.5.1 spec: Note also that a Property may also exist alone without an Association. Visit also: You can review your understanding of Associations with these two course slides:

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