SysMLv1: CAUTION: The notation and recommended use for PropertySpecificType changed significantly between SysMLv1.2 and SysMLv1.7. And the spec itself does not seem to use the new notation (which is also not supported by Cameo Systems Modeler v2024x)

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Note the change from square brackets [...] in early SysMLv1.2 to parentheses (..) by SysMLv1.7.

Neither the SysMLv1.7 Figure 8.23. Property-specific types in facility example nor Figure 8.24. Changes in classification over time due to property-specific types seem to use the recommended notation.

And the recommended SysMLv1.7 notation is also not explicitly supported by Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) (v2024x).

You may be able to HACK the notation into your tool.

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