Webel SysML/MBSE Training: Information for client approaches (including for individuals lower attendee numbers). We have SysML Education & Training options for everyone!

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This page supplements our information on our main SysML/MBSE course:

We've made course enquiries easy for you!

There is now a Webel SysML/MBSE Course Info Pack PDF to assist you with your course enquiries and a comprehensive Webel Course Questionnaire PDF form for streamlining the application process. Available only to prospective Webel course clients. Please contact us to request copies.
You may have been referred to this information page in response to your enquiry via our contact form.

Webel IT Australia primarily holds private IT Training via direct arrangement with companies and organisations for groups.

We do not hold pre-advertised public group courses that individuals can attend, however due to popular demand we are now developing an Online Subscription Video Tutorial Series for MBSE with SysML. Learn more here.

Experience shows that restricting courses to private groups from one or more affiliated organisations affords attendees the opportunity to freely share information about their real-world projects within a trusted circle of engineering colleagues, typically also subject to a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). This is of particular importance where planned applications of the SysML/MBSE technology involve defence projects or engineering projects involving commercially sensitive technology. Experience shows that free internal discussion of domain-relevant applications of SysML (including, where requested, customised examples prepared by Webel for your engineering domain) is highly beneficial.

About smaller attendee numbers and individuals

We do not usually accept attendee numbers for a course under 6 attendees, although exceptions can be made by negotiation where pre-payment is made to secure a training booking, or where an interest in engaging Webel IT Australia for follow-up SysML/MBSE consultancy is indicated. Any advertised Early Bird Deal discounts are usually not available below 6 attendees.

Or try sweet talking Dr Darren into presenting to smaller training groups by also expressing an interest in follow-up SysML/MBSE consultancy on interesting projects!

We receive a lot of enquiries about holding training for individuals. We hope you'll understand that we usually can't hold our fully structured training courses one-on-one for individuals or very small groups, and we strongly advise applicants affiliated with a company or government organisation to discuss the importance of the SysML/MBSE technologies with your management to garner support for more attendees.

Individuals may, however, be eligible to apply for Live Online Educational Consultancy Service web sessions, which employs a simpler process than our full course offering:

Or  SUBSCRIBE to the Webel Q&A online self-testing system for SysML:
The Webel Q&A online self-testing system for SysML is live! It's the ideal solution for individuals wishing to test their SysML knowledge or for Webel SysML/MBSE group course attendees seeking to reinforce their understanding of the course topics. The Webel Q&A Question Sets also cover all topics required for the OMG OCSMP exams to up to level Model Builder Intermediate. Learn more here.

Our SysML/MBSE consultancy services are currently in high demand, as the engineering and manufacturing worlds now hearken to the proven power of this crucial technology. This means, however, that to hold one-on-one courses that displace other more substantial engagements is not always tenable.

More is not always better

We also welcome larger groups, and can split large groups into teams for the Final Day Workshop modelling exercises of the Full SysML Workshop (5-Day) course, however:

It is NOT good to simply "pad" an IT Training seminar with "extra" attendees who do not have real interest in the technology, or are unlikely to actually use it on a project, even if some training organisations will encourage you to do so for $$$. It can even be disruptive and reduces the benefit for those most suited to learning about the SysML topics. And it undermines the good reputation of SysML for MBSE.

Our streamlined course enquiry and application process

On receiving your course enquiry on behalf of an organisation we will send you a detailed Webel SysML/MBSE Course Info Pack PDF and a comprehensive Course Questionnaire PDF form about your needs, your level of expertise with the OMG SysML language the MagicDraw/Cameo tools (being the best tools for MBSE with SysML by far), and your engineering domains of interest - including the option of having a Custom Example Model developed for you specifically for your domain and for use live in Q&A sessions to supplement our other SysML Training slides, generic SysML example models, and mini videos.

On the basis of your responses in the Webel Course Questionnaire PDF form, we prepare a detailed Webel Course Proposal and Quotation PDF document. This ensures you know exactly which topics are in scope, and clarifies other details about the proposed dates, expected number of attendees, and your chosen course format On-Site (at your facility or campus), Off-Site (at an external training centre), or Live Online via web seminar.

We can't answer the question "how much does it cost" without you first completing the Webel Course Questionnaire PDF form, and we only offer costing quotations as part of a formal Webel Course Proposal & Quotation PDF

Preparing that detailed Course Proposal & Quotation PDF document takes time on our part. But it's an important part of why Webel IT Australia can offer you, quite simply, the world's best hands-on SysML/MBSE workshop course. We hope you understand that we can only proceed to prepare that document once you've indicated your strong interest in having the course held for a substantial number of attendees.

Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to arrange On-Site, Off-Site, or Live Online remote web training seminars and workshops.

By all means do enjoy our free online SysML training materials!

Webel IT Australia is very generous in offering the world's most comprehensive, public, online guide to the SysML technology, along with many other tutorial trails, tutorial videos, and examples of applications to real world projects and realistic tasks, across a truly comprehensive range of engineering, technology, and science domains. The provision of these high quality, cross-referenced, materials is (in part) sponsored by our engagement for SysML/MBSE IT Training courses with substantial attendee numbers.

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