Prefer anonymous Actions, or if they must be named, prefer code-like 'lowerCamelCase' or completely 'lower case' (if you do absolutely insist on having spaces in action names, but please no other punctuation).

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The usual Webel Best Practices for SysML recommendation is to prefer anonymous Actions, or if they must be named, prefer code-like 'lowerCamelCase' or completely 'lower case' (if you do absolutely insist on having spaces in action names, but please no other punctuation).

And remember, for a CallBehaviorAction you can always just "Trust The Type" and show the Behavior name if there is only one action for that Behavior in a particular owning Behavior/Activity context.

However, one area this can cause minor display issues in the MagicDraw/Cameo tool is in Note callouts and Element Property compartments when usage level allocation mode is used:

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