Tags and keywords

Concluding remarks on the Webel ADTs for structured data extraction from Open XML spreadsheet file bundles
The Webel OpenXML Wolfram Language libraries can do far more than can be covered in this technical slide trail:
Beyond the simple use of US$ValuesSection and US$ValuesSectionGroup demonstrated, the US` package has Webel ADT classes for handling challenging data groupings that occur in typical engineering spreadsheets, including US$SectionGroupGroup and US$SectionMapMap for complex nestings (ones that aren't easily handled using a simple Composite Pattern).
We've seen how the common "U2" convention (value label in the 1st column, unit String indicator in the 2nd column) can be handled with conversion to EX$Val ADTs that wrap a Mathematica Quantity with actual units algebra; the system is easily extended to handle other units indication cases, and uses a combination of functional and OO-like patterns for "injection" of handlers for cases specific to a particular client's engineering worksheets.
Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits all solution when it comes to spreadsheet data extraction, precisely because spreadsheets are "freestyle" unstructured data without a data schema. That's where Mathematica and the power of the Wolfram Language in combination with the Webel ADT recipe really shines! Except for the very simplest spreadsheets, every realistic spreadsheet data migration solution requires at least some customised coding. The Webel solution is built for rapid customisation with a high level of re-use thanks to the rich Webel libraries for the Wolfram Language:
We've also seen how Webel uses advanced Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) modelling and the unique Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1) modelling recipe and coding conventions to support the development and customisation.
There are more examples available in an accompanying PDF slide set, which has additional content not shared in this public technical slide trail. To learn about applying to access the PDF slide set please visit: