UD$EX$Components as (quick) XML

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The base Webel ADT and EX$Val have some support for creating basic XML via the Wolfram Language XMLElement, and the Webel XML` package has additional XML support.

The Wolfram Language is particularly well suited to working with XML. The quick contrived XML "schema" as shown in the slide for the UD$EX$Components analyser (an ADT$List extension with UD$EX$Component items) took only about ten minutes to create (and some time preparing the slide presentation).

Specific industry XML formats and compliance with a formal XML Schema is beyond the scope of this slide trail presentation. It is worth noting that Mathematica can also easily speak to Python or Java, so can leverage many existing XML Schema libraries.

Any Wolfram Language expression can also be serialised with just one command using the "ExpressionML" format (not shown here).

Note also that all remarks here about using the Wolfram Language with XML apply similarly when working with JSON.

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