Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: The Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) stateless pseudo-classes with inheritance (with SysMLv1 models) Tags and keywords Webel Mathematica keywords ADT` Webel ADT XL$Cell US$Cell US$Cell⊙$val adt$store adt$fetch US$ResourcesHolder US$ResourcesHolder⊙xl$rm «adt:ref» Keywords Wolfram Wolfram Language Mathematica Webel::SysML4Mathematica Webel IT Australia Abstract Data Types Webel:ADT Click on the image to view it full size For reference, an associated Policy Note (you don't need to visit this link yet): Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: «adt:ref» applied to a property indicates that it is resolved by ID through the ADT store using adt$fetch[id]. Use adt$store[adt] for very large ADTs and for cleaner ADT views and easier Notebook development. Up next Next trail section SECTION: Webel ADT case study: Extracting structured data from unstructured Open XML spreadsheet data Notes [CONVENTION, POLICY]{STRICT} Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: POLICY: Where an ADT-Method uses UUID-driven Once[] caching the trigger argument is a String '$uuid' which MUST have a default None and MUST be the first argument that has a default. [CONVENTION, POLICY]{INFORMATIVE} Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: «adt:ref» applied to a property indicates that it is resolved by ID through the ADT store using adt$fetch[id]. Use adt$store[adt] for very large ADTs and for cleaner ADT views and easier Notebook development. Snippets (quotes/extracts) Related slides (includes other tutorials) Introduction to Webel Abstract Data Types (ADTs) with SysMLv1 models Webel Abstract Data Types (ADTs) vs the user-contributed MTools for OO Webel ADTs include inheritance (and aren’t actually formal ADTs) XL$Row and XL$Cell under the hood XL$Cell value resolution for “text” requires an XL$ResourcesMap (Real, Integer, and Boolean value resolution does not) UUID-driven Once-caching. Example: XL$Cell value resolution with an XL$ResourcesMap Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Units and Quantity extraction with US$Row US$RowList spanned rows filling US$RowList sub-list extraction US$RowList & EX$RowMap column extraction and custom styled tables US$RowList “section” extraction UD` demo package for US$Section UD` demo: Basic US$ValuesSection US$ValuesSection to EX$RowMap US$SectionMap auto-detection Specific Component-aware sub-ADTs Demo Component values extraction (but not yet as EX Component ADTs) The demo UD$EX$Component for extracted structured EX Layer data The US$SheetManager as a bridge between the US Layer and EX Layer Extracted demo UD$EX$Component:Demo UD$EX$Components: Creative views in the UD$SheetManager Demo UD$EX$Components analyser UD$EX$Components as (quick) XML UD$EX$Component “database” demo (using a Wolfram Language EntityStore) Visit also Mathematica: POLICY NOTES for the Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) pseudo classes with inheritance for the Wolfram Language Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia makes the case for better object-orientation for Mathematica using pseudo class ADTs without losing the super-functional power of the Wolfram Language Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for adt$store, adt$fetch, and «adt:ref»: Example: Reference XL$ResourcesMap by ID in US$ResourcesHolder. Previous Up Next