[TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models.

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This Webel IT Australia technical slide trail is supported by the Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1) coding and modelling conventions for Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®): This trail shows selected (only) slides from a new comprehensive PDF slide set on the Webel libraries for the Wolfram Language and Mathematica:
The full very detailed and comprehensive PDF slide set may be made available on request to interested potential clients, investors, and members of the Mathematica and SysML communities, please learn more here.

The primary purpose of this highly technical trail is to make examples of applications of the Webel libraries for Mathematica available to other Mathematica users and to Wolfram Research Inc. You may have been referred to this trail or to individual slides in this trail via the Wolfram Community forums, the Mathematica Stackexchange forum, or via the LinkedIn groups for Mathematica Users and Wolfram Developers.

Many of the slide pages in this trail are offered without further explanation, and show just the slides. Many of them are also cross-linked to related policy pages for the Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1).

This technical slide trail assumes knowledge
of the Wolfram Language for Mathematica
This slide trail is NOT a tutorial on the Wolfram Language or SysMLv1 and contains some very advanced and very technical topics!
To learn SysMLv1 attend the Webel SysML/MBSE course:

Some advanced and highly technical slides are indicated by a brain icon on the slides. In particular, some slides require knowledge of SysMLv1 notations. You do not need to know SysMLv1 to understand most of the other slides with just Wolfram Language and Mathematica application examples:

If the slides with SysML notations are not meaningful to you by all means simply skip them! There are Up next links below each slide page.

Many of the slides have standalone value, and you do not need to work through every single slide in this very large technical trail to understand every slide. Where understanding a slide requires knowledge of conventions introduced in other slides they are cross-linked for your convenience.

The Webel libraries for Mathematica are currently not available to the public, and full details of the underlying Wolfram Language code are not made available via the slides. The slides mostly only illustrate the primary coding conventions, functions, applications of the Webel libraries to projects, and how SysMLv1 modelling was used.

The main topics and applications demonstrated are:

DISCLAIMER: These slides were accurate at the time of posting but the details of library function names, signatures, arguments, specific output formatting, and the underlying code may be subject to change.

About client data sensitivity

Some of the best examples of applications of the Webel libraries and tools for Mathematica involve client data that is commercially sensitive. Some slides and diagrams have obfuscated or massively blurred or completely randomised substitute data to protect client's intellectual property (IP). Some SysML Diagrams show modelling elements related to specific client projects but do not show client-specific data.

Webel IT Australia is currently seeking permission of clients to share some more detailed application examples. Potential investors in Webel IT Australia projects may be required to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with clients of Webel IT Australia to access more detailed application examples.

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