No Magic Inc.

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  • Worked internationally from Sydney with teams in Europe, Asia, and the USA, with frequent trips to the No Magic Asia Development Centre in Thailand to train developers and oversee software processes.
  • Conducted analysis of UML® and SysML® tool conformance against OMG language specifications using Parsing Analysis.
  • Directed re-development of the MagicDraw SysML Plugin for MagicDraw® UML (aka Magic Software Architect), including:
    • Introduction of MD SysML stereotypes encapsulating implicit SysML specification concepts.
    • Integration of the JIRA issue tracking system with metamodel-oriented feature analysis and SysML-based activity and structure models of the development process.
    • Improved traceable specification of requirements and features, and testing and bug prevention.
    • Supervision of technical team members and assessment of MagicDraw SysML white papers.
  • Advised on use of the Plone CMS for co-ordinating internal software development artifacts and process.
  • Provided priority customer assistance to science and engineering customers.
  • UML and SysML education

    • Developed and held workshops to train developers in UML-driven Java software development.
    • Developed and held SysML systems engineering workshops.
    • Authored an advanced UML & SysML training course for customers.
  • Established the MagicDraw® UML (aka Magic Software Architect) Online eSchool with hundreds of web pages of Unified Modeling Language (UML®) and Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) examples, tutorial trails, and tips (using the Drupal™ content management system).

    Please note this system is no longer maintained in its original form
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