Specifics of the application domain and project are subject to commercial confidence and not available to the public. Only selected technologies employed are listed.
Software Architecture modelling of an existing Python based system for building modelling using Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) and Python code refactoring using Design Patterns and principles of robust software architectures.
Development of RESTful Web Service end points using FastAPI for Python, supported by an XSL-driven HTML test application.
Codebase integration.
HDF5 database and data transformation.
Visual ToolKit (VTK) 3D visualisation.
Docker containerisation.
OpenAPI RESTful API development and documentation (Swagger and Redocly).
Use of Postman and Postman Flows for REST End Point testing.
Technical report preparation.
VPS Administration.
Supplementary use of Wolfram Mathematica for data analysis.
Deployment to an Elastic VPS using Linux, combination of Docker with Traefik as reverse proxy, secure HTTPS configuration.