Generate shared option groups using ‘$opt$’ helpers: wl$optsFromOpts, docsFromOpts, rulesFromOpts, and odrMap triplet

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The Webel ODR Map (Options, Docs, Rules) Association "triplet" Association strategy provides for packages that import the Doc` package a higher level of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) reuse than available to just the Doc` package itself. Each triplet aspect can be used in many other ways and all generated from information in the same underlying '$opt$' help holders.

But recall that we are progressively "boot-strapping" the system. The Doc` package can't fully leverage the ODR triplets itself, and HelpF` can only partially leverage its own functions, because ::usage documentation Strings can't use SetDelayed.

Please note that the ODR Map (Options, Docs, Rules) Association is for lower level packages that only import Doc` (and especially HelpF`). Higher level packages that import the HelpF` or HelpO` packages should instead use an AOR Map (Arguments, Options, Rules) Association that integrates fully with the usageF, addFunction, and addMethod functions.

Downstream application packages that import both Doc` and HelpF` can get a high level of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) reuse (and even without using the Webel MTools helper classes).

In later slides we'll see how - if we indeed use MTools and the Webel MFunction, MMethod, and MClass classes from the HelpM` package - we can get complete integration between the Webel '$arg$' and '$opt$' help holders, structured :usage generation, Options group extraction, and registration of rich information with the Webel HelpF` and HelpO` registries.

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