Webel IT Australia promotes the amazing Mathematica tool and the powerful Wolfram Language and offers professional Mathematica services for computational computing and data analysis. Our Mathematica
tips, issue tracking, and wishlist is offered here most constructively to help improve the tool and language and support the Mathematica user community.
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Don't hesitate! This Plugin will make your Wolfram Language coding life heaps more enjoyable if you work on very complex projects:
Dr Darren says:
Many thanks to Patrick Scheibe for developing the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for Mathematica!The Eclipse-based Wolfram Workbench is better than nothing (and gratitude is due to the developers for their efforts), but the IntelliJ IDEA and IntelliJ Wolfram Language Plugin are better, at least for the very complex Mathematica projects of Webel IT Australia. In particular, the language syntax recognition and refactoring is far better in the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin, and it handles all permitted characters (such as '$') properly. The IntelliJ IDEA Plugin also has superior groupings of expressions by type (Message, Options, Attributes, Set, SetDelayed, TagSetDelayed etc.). And it is far more robust.