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Webel IT Australia is an OMG-Accredited Training Provider for SysML!
This topic outline accompanies this course: Course version key:
[WCA-SYSML-CSM-5] - 'Full SysML Workshop (5-Day)'
Webel IT now offers all courses worldwide as Live Online web seminars, including online tool workshop sessions! We have strategies for optimising the Live Online presentation experience and for managing tool exercises remotely.
We strongly recommend the On-Site (your training space) or Off-Site (external training facilities) course format for Workshop course versions with tool exercises over the Live Onsite web seminar format. But we have developed strategies for optimal presentation of training materials for the Live Onsite format, and for managing mini-workshop tool exercises during web seminars.
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Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to arrange On-Site, Off-Site, or Live Online remote web training seminars and workshops.
Visit also: Webel SysML/MBSE Training: Information for client approaches (including for lower attendee numbers)
Topic outline for full 5-day workshop course version
Not all topics are covered in all course versions. Topics may be customised according to your domain interests. The order of the topics presentation as shown is an example only.
This course version includes a full final day hands-on workshop
- Introduction – Why SysML?
- SysML® as a new standard and common systems engineering language
- Stakeholders: OMG + INCOSE + industry players + academia and research
- UML® for software engineering vs SysML for systems engineering
- Shortcomings of UML for systems engineering
- Standards that have influenced SysML
- Overview of SysML
- What SysML is and what SysML is not
- The SysML diagrams vs the UML diagrams
- The main SysML element stereotypes and notations
- Aspects of UML2 useful for systems engineering and how SysML builds on them
- The SysML extension mechanism
- UML4SysML: Elements that SysML includes and excludes
- UML “101” for SysML
- The main UML metaclasses
- Classifier, Class, Type
- Class basics and Class notations and compartments
- Generalization, VisibilityKind, and inherited Features
- Associations, multiplicity, navigability, and Property cases
- UML instances, links, and Object Diagrams
- Composite structure and Connectors
- UML Behaviors and Classes
- UML Interfaces and contracts, required and provided Interfaces
- Encapsulation and Ports
- ValueSpecification and OpaqueExpressions
- Behavior: States, StateMachines, and StateMachine Diagrams
- Behavior: UML Activities and Activity Diagrams
- Behavior: Actions, Pins, and structured actions
- Behavior: Interactions and Sequence Diagrams
- Execution: About Foundational UML (fUML®)
- Simulation: About Cameo™ Simulation Toolkit and UML/fUML
- Scripting: About Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf®)
- The SysML Block
- What Blocks can model
- Block compartments and notations
- The Block Definition Diagram (BDD)
- The Internal Block Diagram (BDD)
- Case study: A home entertainment system
- Part Property representations
- Reference Property vs shared aggregation
- Use of Generalization (inheritance) in systems engineering domain modelling
- Redefining/Subsetting Properties
- Associations vs Dependency vs Usage relationships
- Association vs Connector
- Encapsulation: Blocks with parts and ports
- Connector kinds
- SysML :features compartments in IBDs
- Useful user-defined stereotypes for Blocks
- The IBD as top-level Context Diagram
- Breakdown of a system hierarchy
- Values and quantities with units in SysML
- The SysML ValueType and Unit
- Representing physical, engineering, industrial, and financial quantities in SysML
- The ISO-80000 ModelLibrary and the International System of Quantities (ISQ)
- DataType vs PrimitiveType vs ValueType
- Structured ValueTypes
- Enumerations in SysML
- Objects and instances: Slots as value carriers
- The SysML :values compartment in IBDs
- The SysML QuantityKind and the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM)
- Creating a custom ValueType, Unit, and QuantityKind
- Context-specific values and system configuration
- Block with parts as creation templates
- The limits of UML default values
- The SysML initialValues compartment in IBDs
- Levels of customisation and deep configuration in SysML
- Workshop session: Deep configuration using training props
- Ports and flows
- Port notations and display options
- Types of Ports
- Creating Ports in BDDs and IBDs
- Connecting to nested Properties and the SysML property path name
- Standard UML Ports and Connector types
- Optional: UML provided/required Interface notations
- UML Port conjugation vs type-based SysML conjugation
- The SysML InterfaceBlock and ~InterfaceBlock
- SysML required/provided DirectedFeatures
- SysML DirectedFeatures vs UML Interface
- Displaying DirectedFeatures on Ports in IBDs
- ItemFlows on Associations and Connectors
- ItemFlow with itemProperty
- The SysML FlowProperty and flow directions
- Using FlowProperties on parts and Ports
- Combining ItemFlows on Connectors with Ports and flows
- Port vs SysML ProxyPort vs SysML FullPort
- The BindingConnector and the ProxyPort
- ProxyPort cases
- The SysML FullPort
- Combining port types
- SysML Activity modelling extensions
- SysML ControlFlow notation
- Activity notations for BDDs
- Control as and control operators
- Continuous systems and rate of flow
- Probabilities for edge decisions
- Timing and duration constraints
- ObjectNode extensions: NoBuffer and Overwrite
- Understanding Actions with Pins vs ObjectFlows and ObjectNodes
- AdjunctProperty and Activity decomposition in a BDD
- SysML Requirements
- The Requirement Diagram and the Requirement symbol compartments
- Tracing, refining, deriving, and copying Requirements
- Using callouts and compartments to expose relationship queries
- Decomposing requirements and Requirement hierarchies
- The Satisfy relationship and tracking satisfaction
- Satisfaction matrices and query tables
- Derived relationships: Satisfaction of a Block vs a Property
- The Verify relationship and TestCases
- Verify matrices and query tables
- Using Trace for model element elicitation
- The AbstractRequirement base
- The non-normative ExtendedRequirements and their constraints
- On integration with requirements tools using Cameo™ DataHub
- Use Cases
- Examples of Use Cases in SysML
- UseCase owner vs subject
- SysML Allocations
- Functional (behavioral) allocation, structural allocation, model refinement allocation
- The Allocate relationship, allocation notations, and the allocation compartments
- Using allocation callouts for non-Block elements
- Definition level vs usage level allocations
- Allocating to any Element anywhere
- Allocating to deeply nested part properties
- Allocation of object flows to IBD connectors
- Functional (behavioral) allocation
- Functional allocation using Activity Diagram swimlane partitions
- Allocation tracing using matrices and query tables
- Comment stereotypes
- The Problem and Rational comments
- Creating custom Comment stereotypes
- Using a MagicDraw Customization with a custom Stereotype
- Case study: A JIRA issue tracking comment with tagged values
- Linking to external resources
- The SysML ElementGroup and logical grouping
- ElementGroup members
- On combining text and graphical symbols in diagrams
- The Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for the ElementGroup
- Using the ElementGroup for model element elicitation
- The Snippet text extract extension of the SysML ElementGroup
- Relating a Snippet text extract to a domain source document
- Parsing diagrams vs presentation diagrams
- Parsing Analysis as a meta-process
- Parsing Analysis for requirements elicitation
- Parsing Analysis as a systems engineering methodology bridge
- Workshop session: Traceable elicitation of model elements from a source document
- [OPTIONAL] Views and Viewpoints (and why you may not need them)
- Communicating with Stakeholders
- View vs Viewpoint conformance
- The Viewpoint as rules for a View
- Exposing model elements for a View
- Creating a View as a query over model elements
- Views and Viewpoints and historical systems engineering standards
- Views and Viewpoints as bridges to systems engineering methodologies
- [OPTIONAL] How to adapt SysML to a Systems Engineering standard
- How to use bridging diagrams as SE standard navigation entry points
- Profiles for standards such as DoDAF, MODAF, UAF.
- SysML vs IEEE/ISO/IEC 15288-2023
- SysML vs the INCOSE Handbook
- About the Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)
- Mathematics with SysML Parametrics
- The SysML Parametric Diagram
- The UML Constraint and special kinds of UML Constraints
- The ConstraintBlock, constraint parameter, and constraint properties
- Binding values and parameters using the BindingConnector
- ConstraintBlock usage contexts and nested constraints
- Using the SysML property path name for nested Properties
- Example Parametric Diagrams
- Live demonstration: connecting to maths engines and performing calculations
- Tools: Tips for using the MagicDraw® SysML Plugin and Cameo Systems Modeler™
- Versions of the tools, plugins, and product bundles
- Getting started with a project
- About the Webel Best Practice modelling policies
- Recommended naming conventions
- Power tips for rapid diagram modelling and element manipulation
- Creating well-organised, navigable projects
- Optional: Sharing versioned projects via the Cameo™ Teamwork Server/Cloud
- Optional: Using the Cameo™ License Server
- About the Cameo™ Simulation Toolkit
- The vendor-specific Action Helper Language (ALH) API
- The Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf®) Plugin
- Examples: The SysML specification Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicle sample problem
- Examples: The SysML specification figure diagrams
- Concluding remarks
- A word on the the bright future of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML, and a little about the new SysMLv2
- About the OCSMP examination program
Additional advanced topics
- Learn how to use SysML Parametrics for Trade-Off Studies.
- Learn about structuring projects and navigation around the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 standard or the Object Oriented Systems Engineering Methodology (OOSEM).
- Learn about the SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation (SysPhS) for exporting SysML models to the Modelica and Simulink families of simulation environments.
Inclusion of these topics in the 5-day course may necessarily reduce the time spent on some other topics; please discuss your required topics emphasis with us!
Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to arrange On-Site, Off-Site, or Live Online remote web training seminars and workshops.
NEWS: New detailed Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) tutorial trails with examples of slides from the Webel course: TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo
NEWS: New detailed Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) tutorial: TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7]
NEWS: New detailed tutorial: TRAIL: Webel SysML Parsing Analysis example: A particle physics taxonomy from Wikipedia