01:03: UML Behavior: StateMachines quick start

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Please note that this trail section only covers Behavior StateMachines noting that ProtocolStateMachines are excluded from SysMLv1.
This trail section is currently mostly just annotated diagrams only - with no additional text explanations except for linked Notes and Snippet spec extracts

These topics are handled in far more detail in this Webel course:

There is also an entire separate tutorial trail with mini video simulations of UML/SysMLv1 Activities and StateMachines:

If you are already a "UML ninja" by all means skip to the SysML starting point:

If you are completely new to this topic it is NOT recommended that you immediately try to tackle the challenging UML StateMachines and UML Activities topics in order! You should probably visit this first:
Start section here

Slides in this section

If you want to navigate the entire section including the additional explanatory text click on the title link of the first slide to view the full slide page, then use the next links to move through the slide pages. If you just want to view the slide images only in sequence, click on any slide to view it larger in a viewer, then click again to move through each slide in this tutorial trail section.
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