Webel IT Australia

We are offering a 30% discount off all SysML/MBSE course bookings secured by 31st March 2025! Contact us now to apply!

We are Australia's Systems Modeling Language specialists!

You have arrived at the world's most comprehensive online guide to applying Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML® to real-world systems. For full access to our SysML Education resources & materials attend our workshop course!

Our SysML/MBSE course is available within Australia and world-wide On-site, Off-site and as a Live Online web seminar, and is available as an OMG-SysML language-only course and as a hands-on SysML Workshop Seminar for the Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) and Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) plugin tools.

We also offer SysML/MBSE Consultancy and have over two decades of experience applying SysML to complex real-world tasks.

Please email or phone Webel IT Australia on +61 405 029 008 to enquire about our services!

News on public slide trails for MBSE with SysML

NEWS: New detailed Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) tutorial trails with examples of slides from the Webel course: TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo
NEWS: New trail demonstrating applications of Mathematica, SysML/MBSE, and CoolProp to Psychrometrics (humid air physics): TRAIL: Air Conditioning Psychrometrics (vs CED Engineering course): Example results (only) in Mathematica and SysML using the Webel Psy package and MPsy class
NEWS: New full length feature: TRAIL: A SysML Pattern for Digital Twinning
NEWS: SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation (SysPhS): New technology assessment trail: TRAIL: SysPhS-1.1 specification body figures in MagicDraw/Cameo SysML vs Modelica [using Wolfram SystemsModeler]
NEWS: SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation (SysPhS): New technology assessment trail: TRAIL: SysPhS-1.1 Annex A examples in MagicDraw/Cameo SysML vs Modelica (Wolfram SystemsModeler)
NEWS: SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation (SysPhS): New technology assessment trail: TRAIL: SysML+SysPhS vs Modelica By Example in MagicDraw/Cameo SysML [tested with the Wolfram SystemsModeler for Modelica]

About Webel IT Australia

Webel - in operation in Australia since 2000 - is a Scientific IT Consultancy specialising in:
Proprietor Dr Darren welcomes you to the "Elements of the Web"

IT Training for MBSE with SysML

Webel promotes graphical, model-based development technologies and offers seminars and workshops in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML, and courses in model-driven software engineering with UML.
Instructor Dr Darren is recognised as a leader in graphical software and systems engineering technologies and worked as an expert consultant on MagicDraw® and the MD SysML Plugin, now bundled as Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®).

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