For some kinds of Classifiers, optionally in the right hand corner an icon denoting the kind of Classifier can be displayed. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
If a role is typed by a classifier other than Class, the name compartment of the part box symbol contains the appropriate keyword (e.g., «component») above the name. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
MagicDraw/Cameo: v19SP3: Property created by dragging onto a Class or Block a symbol of a Classifier named with a single letter capital name 'N' has a poor name 'N:N'
InstanceSpecifications with links and Slots Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 01:02: UML 101 for model-based systems engineering with SysML Slide kind UML Class Diagram
InstanceSpecification::slot : Slot [0..*] ... It is not necessary to model a Slot for every StructuralFeature, in which case the InstanceSpecification is a partial description. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
InstanceSpecification::slot : Slot [0..*] ... A Slot giving the value or values of a StructuralFeature of the instance. An InstanceSpecification can have one Slot per StructuralFeature of its Classifiers, including inherited features. ... Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
InstanceSpecification::classifer : Classifier [0..*] ... The Classifier or Classifiers of the represented instance. If multiple Classifiers are specified, the instance is classified by all of them. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A DataType may be parameterized, bound, and used as TemplateParameters. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
Instances of a structured DataType are considered to be equal if and only if the structure is the same and the values of the corresponding attributes are equal. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
If a DataType has attributes (i.e., Properties owned by it and in its namespace) it is called a structured DataType. Instances of a structured DataType contain attribute values matching its attributes. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A DataType is a kind of Classifier. DataType differs from Class in that instances of a DataType are identified only by their value. All instances of a DataType with the same value are considered to be equal instances. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
In contrast to Associations, which specify links between any instance of the associated Classifiers, Connectors specify links between instances playing the connected parts only. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
Members that are inherited by a Classifier may be shown on a diagram of that Classifier by prepending a caret ’^’ symbol to the textual representation that would be shown if the member were not inherited. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
Classifier::isAbstract : Boolean [1..1] If true, the Classifier can only be instantiated by instantiating one of its specializations. An abstract Classifier is intended to be used by other Classifiers e.g., as the target of Associations or Generalizations Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
MagicDraw/Cameo: In SysML Activity Diagrams you can only set the allocation mode in to 'usage' or 'definition' for an entire AllocateActivityPartition group at once, not for individual AllocateActivityPartition columns or rows.
Package, Model, or SysML Block as UseCase owner Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 14:01: UseCases in SysML Slide kind UML Profile Diagram
A UseCase may be owned either by a Package or by a Classifier. Although the owning Classifier typically represents a subject to which the owned UseCases apply, this is not necessarily the case ... Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
It may also be described indirectly through a Collaboration that uses the UseCase and its Actors as the Classifiers that type its parts. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
UseCases define the offered Behaviors of the subject without reference to its internal structure. These Behaviors, involving interactions between the Actors and the subject, may result in changes to the state of the subject and communications with its... Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A UseCase is a kind of BehavioredClassifier that represents a declaration of a set of offered Behaviors. Each UseCase specifies some behavior that a subject can perform in collaboration with one or more Actors. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A UseCase may apply to any number of subjects. When a UseCase applies to a subject, it specifies a set of behaviors performed by that subject, which yields an observable result that is of value for Actors or other stakeholders of the subject. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
In particular, there is scope for confusion between a UseCase appearing visually contained in a boundary rectangle representing a Classifier that is its subject, and appearing visually contained in a compartment of a Classifier that is its owner... Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A Class has four mandatory compartments: attributes, operations, receptions ... and internal structure ... A Class may also have optional compartments as described for Classifiers in general Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
A Class is shown using the Classifier symbol. As Class is the most widely used Classifier, no keyword is needed to indicate that the metaclass is Class. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
Then it is delivered to a factory, reclassified from a warehouse item to a factory resource (while still being a machine), and records the percentage of time it is operating. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
At first it is not an item or resource and is classified only as a machine. Before delivery to the factory, a new machine is stored in a warehouse, classified additionally as a warehouse item, and is assigned a storage location. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Figure 8-23 shows the classification of a particular machine over time, identified by its serial number. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
The properties disappear once an item leaves a warehouse or a resource is no longer used in a factory, because they are declassified as WarehouseItems and FactoryResources at that time, respectively. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
The properties appear when an item arrives in a warehouse or a resource is used in a factory, because they are classified as WarehouseItems and FactoryResources at that time, respectively Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Items in warehouses are assigned a location, while resources in factories indicate own much they are being used as a percentage of time. Only objects that are items in warehouses or resources in factories have these location and utilization properties. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Figure 8-22 shows property-specific types in a model of facilities that includes factories and warehouses. Items flow through facilities, while resources operate on items. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
The PropertySpecificType stereotype can be applied to classifiers that type exactly one property and that are owned by the owner of that property. Classifiers with this stereotype applied shall be generalized by at most one other classifier. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
DO NOT use Property names that are identical to the names of the Classifier (Class, DataType, Block, ValueType) that type them!
The associations may be composition if the intention is to delete instances of the classifier flowing the activity when the activity is terminated. See example in 11.4, Usage Examples. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Like any association end or property these can be the subject of parametric constraints, design values, units, and quantity kinds. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Properties with AdjunctProperty applied, where the principal of the AdjunctProperty is an object node, variable, or parameter, can be used as the end of the associations toward the object node, variable, or parameter type. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
This supports linking the execution of the activity with items that are flowing through the activity or assigned to variables or parameters, and happen to be contained by an object node or assigned to a variable or parameter at the time the link exists. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Associations can be used between activities and classifiers (blocks or value types) that are the type of object nodes, variables, or parameters in the activity, as shown in Figure 11-5. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Figure 8-7: Abstract syntax extensions for SysML property-specific types Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7] Section Section: SysML-1.6 specification diagrams: 08 Blocks Slide kind UML Profile Diagram
MagicDraw/Cameo: HOWTO redisplay the name and type of a SysML ItemFlow on a Connector if it vanishes (such as when the Connector is redrawn)
Associations can be used between activities and classifiers (blocks or value types) that are the type of object nodes, variables, or parameters in the activity, as shown in Figure 11-5. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
Subrequirements shall be accessed through the "nestedClassifier" property of a class. Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6
The operation oclIsInState(s) results in true if the object is in the state s. Possible states for the operation oclIsInState(s) are all states of the statemachine that defines the classifier's behavior. For nested states the statenames can be combined... Source Object Constraint Language Version 2.4
Visual containment of the symbol for a UseCase in the rectangular symbol for a subject Classifier does NOT imply ownership! Packaging (ownership) of UseCases is separate from use within subjects, and a single UseCase may be used in more than one subject.
In cases where the metaclass of a subject is ambiguous, the keyword . corresponding to the notation for the metaclass of Classifier (see 9.2.4) shall be shown in guillemets above the name. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
Where a subject is a Classifier with a standard stereotype, the keyword for the stereotype shall be shown in guillemets above the name of the subject. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
UseCase::subject : Classifier [0..*] ... The subjects to which this UseCase applies. Each subject or its parts realize all the UseCases that apply to it. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1
When using acronyms in names of Classifiers either treat them as a word 'TlaLikeThis' or suffix with an underscore 'TLA_LikeThis', except at the end of the name 'LikeThisTLA' is admissable.
Use 'UpperCamelCase' (a.k.a. PascalCase) names for Classifiers such as UML Classes and SysML Blocks) to avoid confusion with 'lowerCase' Property names [see however special naming conventions for acronyms and SysML contract and flow Blocks]
Prefer 'UpperCamelCase' (a.k.a. PascalCase) names for Behaviors such as Activities intended for use in CallBehaviorActions, or at least use a 'Capital first letter'; avoid 'all lower case' (as it leads to confusion with lower case Action names)
Features represent structural and behavioral characteristics of Classifiers. Source Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1