Class diagram for comparing action language access to an operation for a guard

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This class diagram shows the setup. There is a class with an operation isTrue() that has an OpaqueBehavior as method, and always returns 'true'. We want to use this on a guard on a Transition. (Clearly you'd normally not always return 'true', you'd have some kind of test, but this is just so we can see whether the Transition is navigated during simulation.)

We have some Signals corresponding to most (not all) of the scripting languages available as action language in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) (so MagicDraw® UML (aka Magic Software Architect), Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) etc.), including: "English" (vendor-specific built-in), BeanShell, JavaScript, JavaScript Rhino, Groovy.

If the Alf Plugin is also installed, one can also use the powerful UML-like Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf).

There is also a Signal ViaALH that we'll use to test a guard with the Action Language Helper (ALH).

And there is a StateMachine as classifierBehavior for the class as shown next

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