SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Activity Diagram simulation: Tokens in a CentralBufferNode [with mini video]

According to the following BDD fragment and Activity Diagram with a CentralBufferNode, how many DataToken tokens will still be in the «centralBuffer» AFTER a DataToken from the store is printed?
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The initial “loop” will place 3 DataToken tokens in the CentralBufferNode. There will only be 2 DataToken tokens in the CentralBufferNode after the OpaqueAction print("ds") has accepted a token offer, because offered tokens are removed from a CentralBufferNode.

Compare with:

Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) (v2024x) actually has a minor bug not shown in the video. It correctly indicates the number of tokens in the CentralBufferNode as 2 after the OpaqueAction for print("ds") has accepted a token offer (with Show Held Tokens in Activity Diagrams enabled). However, if you hold you mouse over the «centralBuffer» Symbol, it incorrectly still shows 3 DataToken objects in the buffer with their respective 'i' values!

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