Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: SysMLv1/UML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit® (Magic Model Analyst®): Some basics for beginners and some more advanced cases [with mini videos] Section Tags and keywords Topic level INTERMEDIATE UML keywords Activity Parameter ParameterDirectionKind::inout ActivityParameterNode BehavioralFeature::method SysML keywords Block Keywords SysML Systems Modeling Language SysMLv1 MBSE Model-Based Systems Engineering Cameo Systems Modeler MagicDraw SysML CATIA Magic Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit] UML fUML Action Language Helper ALH Slide kind SysML Activity Diagram SysML Block Definition Diagram (BDD) Demonstrates the following using SysMLv1 Blocks and SysMLv1 Activity Diagrams in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) : UML2.5.1: 'An Activity shall have ... two ActivityParameterNodes for each inout Parameter.' Click on the image to view it full size Watch simulation video_sim Visit also: Parameter vs ActivityParameterNode vs Pin Visit also: ActivityParameterNode cases - REFERENCE CARD Up next SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Sequence Diagrams: HOWTO Send an asynchronous Signal message and HOWTO handle a Reply message value from a synchronous Operation call message [with mini Video] Notes Snippets (quotes/extracts) [UML-2.5.1] An Activity shall have one ActivityParameterNode corresponding to each in, out, or return Parameter and two ActivityParameterNodes for each inout Parameter. [UML-2.5.1] An Activity shall have ... two ActivityParameterNodes for each inout Parameter. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also ActivityParameterNode cases - REFERENCE CARD Parameter vs ActivityParameterNode vs Pin Course: Model-Based Systems Engineering with the OMG's Systems Modeling Language® (v1) and the MagicDraw/Cameo (CATIA Magic™) tools for SysML SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO: Send a Signal via a nested Port using InvocationOnNestedPortAction and 'onNestedPort' together with 'onPort' [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO handle sending and receiving families of related Signal types with reuse of send/receive and processing logic [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO send a Signal via a Port to an intended recipient via a mediating secure RoutingHub [with mini video] TRAIL: UML Behavior: Activities and Actions 01:04: UML Behavior: Activities quick start UML2 Activity Diagram - essential metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY UML2 Actions - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models 1.4 StateMachine diagram for comparing action language access to an operation for a guard Visit also (backlinks) SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: CallBehaviorAction vs CallOperationAction and Pins [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Comparison of a Fork then a Merge with a Fork then a Join [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: An Activity with input and output ActivityParameterNodes and Pins of a CallBehaviorAction usage of the Activity [with mini video] External links On Vimeo [FULL RESOLUTION]: SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: An Activity with… Flags Book traversal links for SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: An Activity with two ActivityParameterNodes corresponding to a single inout Operation Parameter [with mini video] Previous Up Next