Gallery Tutorial [TECHNICAL SLIDE TRAIL] The Webel libraries for Wolfram Mathematica: With SysMLv1 models. Section SECTION: Webel ADT case study: Extracting structured data from unstructured Open XML spreadsheet data Tags and keywords UML keywords Stereotype Stereotype:icon Webel Mathematica keywords ADT` Webel ADT US` US$Cell US$Row US$Sheet US$RowList US$Section US$SectionGroup US$SectionMap US$SheetManager ADT$Map adt$graphHierarchy Keywords Wolfram Wolfram Language Mathematica Webel::SysML4Mathematica Webel IT Australia Abstract Data Types Webel:ADT Systems Modeling Language SysMLv1 Click on the image to view it full size For reference, an associated Policy Note (you don't need to visit this link yet): Webel: SysML4Mathematica (v2): The long term goal is generation of SysMLv2 models using the SysMLv2 modelling code (textual representation) and generation of SysMLv2 Diagrams directly in Mathematica, corresponding with the trend to generative diagramming. Up next ADT hierarchy for the EX`package for extracted structured data Notes []{INFORMATIVE} Webel: SysML4Mathematica (v2): The long term goal is generation of SysMLv2 models using the SysMLv2 modelling code (textual representation) and generation of SysMLv2 Diagrams directly in Mathematica, corresponding with the trend to generative diagramming. Snippets (quotes/extracts) Related slides (includes other tutorials) ADT hierarchy for the XL` package for reading unstructured data from OpenXML XLSM bundles Webel ADT hierarchy views as tree, graph, and SysML Overview of the Webel OpenXML libraries ADT Case Study Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) ADT hierarchy for the EX`package for extracted structured data ADT hierarchy for a typical Client Data (CD) layer for identifying structured data groups Typical unstructured spreadsheet data imported into the XL layer XL$Row and XL$Cell under the hood XL$Cell value resolution for “text” requires an XL$ResourcesMap (Real, Integer, and Boolean value resolution does not) Visit also Mathematica: POLICY NOTES for the Webel Abstract Data Type (ADT) pseudo classes with inheritance for the Wolfram Language Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for ADT hierarchy for the US` package with intermediate unstructured data and identification of data groups Previous Up Next