Webel Radio Net: SysML Package Diagram as index

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The index Package Diagram for the Webel Radio net serves primarily as a quick navigation dashboard. It is referenced throughout the project, especially from Packages or Model packages one level down:

Of primary interest are the RadioNetContext, RadioNet system, and RadioStation block, and the simulation block Sim_RadioNet, from which a simulation in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) can be launched.

The specifics of the Element ownership organisation is not critical. The Package organisation shown is not intended as a formal "template" for your own projects, but some basic principles can be employed:

  • Identify ValueTypes early on. They may or may not live in a top-level 'value' Package, they can be local to another Package or even owned by a Block.
  • Identify exchange items (such as Signals) early on!
Note that this Radio Net sample does not (yet) include formal Systems Engineering (SE) functional breakdown or logical vs design/implementation components treatment. It also does not (yet) include Requirement Analysis, and only has an absolutely minimal representation of the context including a single SysML-style block-based custom «actor» NetManager (and a custom «person» NetOperator associated with a RadioStation).

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