Webel: Psy/MPsy: Psychrometrics for Mathematica: Transferred heat (energy "Q") has field names with lower case 'qTot', 'qSen', 'qLat'. Heat rates (energy per time) have field names 'qDotTot', 'qDotSen', 'qDotLat' (to avoid clashes with Mathematica core)

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In most literature, heat exchange is represented by 'Q', and heat exchange rates are represented by 'q' or either q or Q with dot '.' over it. However, Mathematica has an informal rule that custom variables (expressions) should not start with a capital letter, because such are reserved for Mathematica core.

The Webel Pys library uses the following variables for field names (although, in displays and tables it can use rich Mathematica markup):

  • qTot: Total heat exchange (energy).
  • qSen: Sensible heat exchange (energy), which cause a change in dry bulb temperature 'tdb'.
  • qLat: Latent heat due to water vaporisation (water gained by the humid air) or condensation (water lost by the humid air).

For heat rates (energy per time), qDotTot, qDotSen, and qDotLat are used.

Note that this convention is adopted:

And in the Webel Psy library and examples, systems are never considered to "contain heat":

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