ThermalCapacitance - Adiabatic

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The Modelica By Example target code is:

within ModelicaByExample.Components.HeatTransfer.Examples;
model Adiabatic "A model without any heat transfer"
  ThermalCapacitance cap(C=0.12, T0(displayUnit="K") = 363.15)
    "Thermal capacitance component"
    annotation ...
end Adiabatic;

within ModelicaByExample.Components.HeatTransfer.Examples;
model Adiabatic "A model without any heat transfer"
  ThermalCapacitance cap(C=0.12, T0(displayUnit="K") = 363.15)
    "Thermal capacitance component"
    annotation ...
end Adiabatic;

Achieving this simple reuse with specific initial values turns out to be a bit fiddly in SysML/SysPhS, but it's not too bad once you've established the basic pattern.

As throughout this trail:

So in this case the t0:Temperature is not used. We instead use SysML Context-Specific Values with InstanceSpecifications as shown carrying the initialisation values tree to assign a 'start' to the temperature t within the Port.

The Dependency from the part cap to the instance tree that defines its default is just for illustration.

As a minor annoyance:

The block Adiabatic exports via SysPhS to Modelica as:

model Adiabatic
  Adiabatic _Adiabatic;
  model Adiabatic
    ThermalCapacitance cap(c.start=0.12,c.fixed=true,node.t.start=363.15,node.t.fixed=true);
    Temperature tNode;
  end Adiabatic;
  model ThermalCapacitance
    parameter HeatCapacitance c;
    parameter Temperature t0;
    HeatPortA node;
  end ThermalCapacitance;
  type Temperature=Real(unit="K");
  type HeatCapacitance=Real(unit="J/K");
  connector HeatPortA
    extends HeatFlowElement;
  end HeatPortA;
  connector HeatFlowElement
    flow HeatFlowRate hFR;
    Temperature t;
  end HeatFlowElement;
  type HeatFlowRate=Real(unit="J/s");
end Adiabatic;
Yes, it's a lot of work for that flat line in the plot, but it's the correct flat line, and things do get more exciting as more complex systems are built.
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