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This diagram shows the Block
with a supporting ConstraintBlock RelativeHumidityCalculationConstraint
There are a couple of minor diagram errors in the spec: That last one matters because:
and press
are both indeed simply pressures then:
This may seem obvious, but it's emphasised here because it has consequences "upstream" for both HumidityBalance
and VaporPressureCalculation
There are a couple of minor diagram errors in the spec: That last one matters because:
[MODELLING, NAVIGATION, PATTERN, TIP, TOOL]{STRONG} Webel: UML/SysML: Navigation: ALWAYS offer a way out of a diagram (usually up a hierarchy, but possibly across) using a navigable symbol (linked to a diagram) and/or a diagram symbol. Avoid "cul-de-sacs"! [But beware of shared package cross-dependencies]