SysML: HOWTO Safely incorporate ConstraintBlock equations from a library into a project with local ValueType variants: CASE: SysPhS vs ISO-80000 ModelLibrary

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The image shows an example of incorporating an equation from a library with one set of ValueTypes into a local project with another set of ValueTypes that have different local Unit definition elements but are otherwise identical.

Here SysPhS has “local” versions of ValueTypes that are also defined in the ISO-80000 ModelLibrary.

Imagine one has a readonly ConstraintBlock equation (from some nice SysML library) that is based on the ISO 80000 ModelLibrary.

Once can write wrappers (that include converters) for safely incorporating the existing equation into the local ValueType system.

Once the initial work is done, it is robust and concise to use.

In the example here ’torque’ is the input and ‘voltage’ is output.

Type compatibility between ends of BindingConnectors is respected throughout.

(The parameter types are verbosely displayed here just for illustration.)

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