Many new types of telescopes were invented including radio telescopes and infrared telescopes

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There's a challenge here using custom stereotype keywords like «infrared» and «uv» to categorise elements, because not all UV radiation or infrared radiation can be treated as «optical»:

Indeed there are dedicated telescope technologies for handling such radiation outside the wavelength regions where optical mirrors and lenses can be used. So neither the «uv» nor «infrared» custom stereotypes extend «optical»; instead, one can apply EITHER both «optical» and «uv» OR both «optical» and «infrared» where both apply.

The block InfraredTelescope (which extends OpticalTelescope) has both «optical» and «infrared» applied. By contrast, if one were to model a telescope that handles, for example, extreme far infrared in the so-called submillimeter region, one might have a block SubmillimeterTelescope extends TelescopeEM with only «infrared» applied.

Because «visible» extends «optical» it always implies optical.

The new RadioTelescope has «radio» applied, where «radio» extends «em».

Before delving deeper into reflectors that deal primarily with «visible», we're going to look quickly at quantifying the EM regions a bit, so we can start to assign concrete extensions of RegionEM to different types of scopes.

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