Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: The SysML-1.6 Hybrid SUV sample and specification diagrams in MagicDraw/Cameo (with annotations) [UNDERGOING UPDATE to SysML1.7] Section Section: SysML-1.6 specification diagrams: 16 Requirements Tags and keywords UML keywords Dependency::supplier Dependency::client SysML keywords Requirement Copy composite (compound) requirement Keywords requirements engineering Slide kind SysML Requirement Diagram Click on the image to view it full size Validation engine to the rescue! MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not copy identical text from a supplier Requirement to a client Requirement on application of the Copy relationship (but DOES offer to fix it when the validation engine warning fires). The trail version of the figure has been extended to illustrate that: The SysML Copy relationship can be used to "import" Requirements from an existing read-only library into a new project context. Please also note that: SysMLv1: Only the 'text' of the client Requirement of a Copy relationship need be the same as the 'text' of the supplier Requirement. The 'id' of the client Requirement SHOULD be different (unique). Up next Figure 16-6: Linkage of a Test Case to a requirement (and Figure 16-7) Notes [CAVEAT, TOOL] MagicDraw/Cameo: Does not copy identical text from a supplier Requirement to a client Requirement on application of the Copy relationship (but DOES offer to fix it when the validation engine warning fires). [TIP] The SysML Copy relationship can be used to "import" Requirements from an existing read-only library into a new project context. Snippets (quotes/extracts) [SysML-1.6] Figure 16-5 illustrates the use of the Copy dependency to allow a single requirement to be reused in several requirements hierarchies. The master tag provides a textual reference to the reused requirement. [SysML-1.6] A Copy relationship is a dependency between a supplier requirement and a client requirement that specifies that the text of the client requirement is a read-only copy of the text of the supplier requirement. [SysML-1.6] A Copy dependency created between two requirements maintains a master/slave relationship between the two elements for the purpose of requirements re-use in different contexts [SysML-1.6] When a Copy dependency exists between two requirements, the requirement text of the client requirement is a read-only copy of the requirement text of the requirement at the supplier end of the dependency. [SysML-1.6] Copy::1_source_and_taget_are_requirements A Copy dependency may only be created between two NamedElements that have a subtype of the abstractRequirement stereotype applied [SysML-1.6] Copy::2_same_text The text property of the client requirement is constrained to be a read-only copy of the text property of the supplier requirement and this applies recursively to all subrequirements [SysML-1.6] Compound requirements can be created by using the nesting capability of the class definition mechanism. [SysML-1.6] The default interpretation of a compound requirement, unless stated differently by the compound requirement itself, is that all its subrequirements shall be satisfied for the compound requirement to be satisfied. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) SysMLv1: Only the 'text' of the client Requirement of a Copy relationship need be the same as the 'text' of the supplier Requirement. The 'id' of the client Requirement SHOULD be different (unique). Flags Book traversal links for Figure 16-5: Use of the copy dependency to facilitate reuse Previous Up Next