The number validation guard

Inspecting our StateMachine again, we see that it has a guard on the Transition that tests whether the accumulated number is valid by accessing the isValid operation on the number:Number of the Dialer:
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This transition guard has been implemented here using Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf)


To learn how to access an operation on a guard without Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf) using the Action Language Helper (ALH) please visit this separate tutorial slide.

The Operation isValid() in fact has a trivial OpaqueBehavior isValid as its method, which uses BeanShell to test whether we have 4 digits (just for our test, we don't want to wait all day to accumulate 10 or so digits during our simulation runs).


And it does not otherwise test whether the digits could be a sensible phone number:

Note again how the OpaqueBehavior seems to "magically" have access to the Property n:int[0..*] of Number.

So, assuming we indeed have accumulated such a valid number, the Transition will fire, and then the WhenValid effect Behavior will be invoked, so let's examine that next

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