Webel: SysML: TIP: Try "reverse" time ordered effect-from-cause Dependencies. Because it's harder to depend on something that does not already exist!

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When using non-stereotyped Dependencies with no other explicit semantics order them so they go from later to earlier (pulling not "pushing"). You can then use Display Related Elements in MagicDraw/Cameo (or similar in another tool) to trace back to the source (from effects to causes).

This strategy works especially well with instance level Elements, but is also often more widely applicable. With Blocks you sometimes get creation cycle "loops"; you can unravel them using instances! In general, instances are a great way to explore your model (even if in SysMLv1 they don't support Ports).

Where this strategy (modelling policy) does not apply, consider using a standard or custom stereotype to give your Dependency some other semantics (take the default as using this time-ordering). For example, a «Create» goes from something that already exists to something that does not already exist (gets created).

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