SysML4Mathematica: Psychrometrics (humid air physics) Air Conditioning scenarios in graphical Systems Modeling Language (SysMLv1.x) and Mathematica

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In the following slides we explore representing some of the previously calculated and graphed Psychrometrics examples using Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®).

SysML Parametrics Diagrams are used for representing the lower level calculations using CoolProp wrappers for Mathematica, and SysML Activity Diagrams are used for representing the Webel MPsy objects for Mathematica, which conveniently encapsulate a lot of the low level CoolProp Psychrometric quantity calculations.

Mathematica functions from the Webel Psy library may be represented both as ConstraintBlocks and as Activities.

The SysML Parametrics Diagrams represent the equations as a network of ConstraintBlock usages, which is a great way to see the dependencies between the input and output variables. Throughout these examples, this Webel custom stereotype trick is used on constraint parameters to indicate their use as inputs or outputs:

CAVEAT: Both the SysML Parametrics Diagrams and the SysML Activity Diagrams can be made executable through Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®), with the ability to bind the representations of the CoolProp wrappers to Mathematica as an external maths engine, but this is not shown in the this trail, just their encapsulations in SysML and graphical representations as SysML Diagrams.

Each slide page is, however, linked to an earlier corresponding non-SysML slide example with the execution results from Mathematica (and psychrometric charts).

The focus of this slide trail section is on demonstrating the graphical SysML modelling of Mathematica code and the Psychrometrics scenarios (not the Psychrometric calculation values).

The meaning of the variables shown is available here:

There is a registry of the symbolic equations (which may also be invoked with numerical Real and Quantity values) here:

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To learn more about Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) visit this comprehensive Webel tutorial:

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