Webel Parsing Analysis as a meta-process: Snippets before Requirements!

The  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML® is a meta-process that can be used in combination with other systems engineering methodologies including requirements engineering methodologies. Application of the recipe typically precedes and informs the requirements engineering process, because it is can be used not only to traceably elicit general SysML model Elements, it is used to traceably elicit Requirement elements, and often simultaneously the Elements that are to Satisfy a Requirement or are otherwise involved in it.
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In the diagram a Snippet for a policy note web page about the  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe from this Webel IT Australia site has been used to elicit Requirements, whilst also collecting members relevant to the Requirements. The source web page is:

This yields 3 Requirements, one of which is claimed to be satisfied by the source attribute within the Snippet stereotype within the webel/pa profile. The /member tagged value of the Snippet lists the 3 elicited Requirements along with some other relevant Elements.

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