Tags and keywords
The following diagram shows a Block Definition Diagram (BDD) style representation of MagicDraw/Cameo SysPhSLibrary components vs the SysPhS-1.1 spec table Discrete components:
Once again the following might have consequences:
The tool library versions seems to contradict the spec convention when compared with the table under Discrete components:
SysPhS-1.1: 'Simulation platform data specified in the Component Ports (Input and Output), PhSConstants, and platform Parameters columns are scalar, unless marked with a V (vector) or an M (matrix). Component input ports for scalars are typed by RealSignalInElement, IntegerSignalInElement, or BooleanSignalInElement, while component output ports for scalars are typed by RealSignalOutElement, IntegerSignalOutElement, or BooleanSignalOutElement ... Component input ports for vectors are typed by specializations of RealVectorSignalInElement, while component output ports for vectors are typed by specializations of RealVectorSignalOutElement ...'