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A «twin» DigitalTwin
can be a composite that owns child DigitalTwins
. The «digital»
of the parent is then effectively also a composite of the «digital»
of each of the child twins (and thus the «physical» PhysicalEntity
of the parent is likewise mapped - virtually encapsulated - as a composite of the «physical» PhysicalEntity
from each of the child twins). This enables recursive twinning of complex structures.
A «twin» DigitalTwin
can also reference (leverage) other DigitalTwins
to create arbitrarily complex "logical" systems (of systems) of twins. However, note again that in the Webel Twin Pattern for SysML things always ultimately percolate down to involve a «physical» PhysicalEntity
In this trail, only the case of a single «twin» DigitalTwin
managing a single «digital»
and «physical» PhysicalEntity
is explored in detail.