IBD of a SimpleOpticalTelescope in context with some relationships


A block SimpleOpticalTelescope that extends OpticalTelescope has been introduced to carry Connectors specific to simple telescope models.

Some relevant snippets are (as for the previous slide):

This is not yet a port-based light flow model, it merely shows some of the existing relationships that have been elicited so far, with some Connectors typed by existing Associations.

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The following figure for a Keplerian refractor serves as a reference for a typical simple optical telescope:

The context block has three parts: a :DistantObject, a :SimpleOpticalTelescope, and an :Eye.

A SysML BindingConnector is used to assert that the :DistantObject is the same as the inherited internal reference object:DistantObject of the :OpticalTelescope.

The Connector :Observes from :OpticalTelescope to the external :DistantObject is typed by a named Association, and because of the BindingConnector this is in fact equivalent to connecting to the internal reference object:DistantObject.

The objective «collects» light from the ^object and «produces» the ^image.

The Connector from ^object to ^image is inherited.

An anonymous Association types the Connector from ^focalPlane to ^focalPoint, and these Properties are each bound using BindingConnectors to their equivalents within the objective since they are constrained to be the same in the context of SimpleOpticalTelescope. This arrangement may not be true of all optical telescopes (such as reflectors with secondary mirrors), so these BindingConnectors are owned by the specific SimpleOpticalTelescope.

The eyepiece «magnifies» the ^image and «produces» the ^viewedImage.

And there is a Connector :observes from the :Eye to the ^viewedImage.

So although this IBD does not represent the flow of light through the optical system in a signal-processing manner, it does very nicely represent the relationships between participants of the optical system.

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