Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 16:01: Requirements engineering in SysML Tags and keywords UML keywords Behavior BehavioralFeature Dependency Abstraction Activity Interaction SysML keywords TestCase Verify DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath VerdictKind VerdictKind::error VerdictKind::fail VerdictKind::inconclusive VerdictKind::pass Slide kind UML diagram UML Profile Diagram Click on the image to view it full size Note how a TestCase can be an Operation or a Behavior such as an Interaction (elaborated in a Sequence Diagram) or an Activity, as shown next . Up next TestCase and Verify example - callout style Notes Snippets (quotes/extracts) [SysML-1.6] A Verify relationship is a dependency between a requirement and a test case or other model element that can determine whether a system fulfills the requirement. As with other dependencies, the arrow direction points from the (client) element to the (suppl [SysML-1.6] A test case is a method for verifying a requirement is satisfied. [SysML-1.6] TestCase::1_return_verdictkind The type of return parameter of the stereotyped model element shall be VerdictKind. (note this is consistent with the UML Testing Profile). [SysML-1.6] The DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath stereotype based on UML DirectedRelationship enables directed relationships to identify their sources and targets by a multi-level path of properties accessible from context blocks for the sources and targets. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Figure 16-6: Linkage of a Test Case to a requirement (and Figure 16-7) Figure D.11 - Establishing HSUV Requirements Hierarchy (containment) Figure D.12 - Establishing Derived Requirements and Rationale from Lowest Tier of Requirements Hierarchy Figure D.13 - Acceleration Requirement Relationships Figure 16-1: Abstract Syntax for Requirements Stereotypes Figure 16-2: Requirements Derivation Figure 16-3: Links between requirements and design Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for TestCase and Verify metamodel Previous Up Next